Detroit is finally seeing progress in its efforts to combat COVID-19.
Restaurants will finally be able to resume dining starting Monday, February 1st, as long as they’re adhering to certain social distancing rules and curfew hours. The numbers have steadily been improving in response to the “Pause to Save Lives” effort established 75 days prior. This is good news for small businesses, who have been struggling financially.
According to the new announcement by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services made on Twitter, the new regulations go into effect today, February 1st, and stay in effect until February 21st, three weeks from now.
Today, restaurants and bars can reopen at 25% capacity with up to 100 people but indoor dining remains high risk. Consider reducing your risk: Choose takeout, dine only with members of your household, and look for the MI COVID-19 Safer Dining logo.
— Michigan HHS Dept (@MichiganHHS) February 1, 2021
While the Michigan HHS recommends take-out or outdoor dining whenever possible, they’ve allowed indoor dining to resume at 25% capacity, with up to 100 people allowed. Restaurants are expected to close at 10p.m., staying in line with curfew. Tables are to be spaced out by six feet with a maximum total of six people per table, and preferably from the same household. Outdoor dining will continue as well, so long as they follow the same safety rules.
The gathering regulations also extend towards other establishments, like gyms, salons, and retail stores. Outdoor gatherings of up to 25 people can also resume. Schools preschool through 12 can open, but this is up to the local district. Even theaters, bowling halls, and bingo centers can reopen under the established safety regulations. Nightclubs, water parks, and work spaces (if that work can be done from home) are to remain closed. For more information about the new rules and regulations, you can check the official government website.
[featured image: Josh Garcia via Unsplash]